
Sunday, September 14, 2008


Our annual ATII conference was again a fanastic week packed with powerful, thought provoking messages. Having an unquenchable longing for God was my first lesson. It's not so much about "Do you know Jesus?" but rather, "Does Jesus know you?"

Secondly, I was particularly challenged by a message on being a giver and not a taker. There's something about giving which makes a difference! " It is more blessed to give than to receive." Acts 20:35. Being a giver doesn't mean treating everyone to a fancy meal but rather it is an attitude of the heart. A giver wants to make others successful, joyfully giving of myself for them while a taker only has himself in mind. I was remained of what it is that truely counts in this life!

Lastly, I've learnt alot from Daniel's life. A man of character. He purposed beforehand in his heart to say 'no' to the temptations of this world. He had his convictions and he stood by them. If he could with God's help, hopefully so can I! He learned to trust the wisdom of God and not the lifelihood of man. He was promoted yet remained the same. Most importantly, he gave God all the glory. Now that's a man!

With all this information overload, it's time to apply it in life...that's the real challenge.

1 comment:

shawn said...

Hi Lydia,

Thank you for the encouraging sharing.
