
Thursday, June 05, 2008

here comes june

It’s been raining the past few days and as much as I love sleeping in and seeing raindrops, I want to enjoy the outdoors, the green grass! Today, I attended mom’s cell group. It was a blessing to hear from older woman and the conversations left me with more things to ponder over. Sometimes I wonder if I think too much. But God has been revealing things to me allowing me to be even more appreciative for His love for me.

So I’ve been having quite a bit of “me” time lately, since coming back from Chiangmai. It’s nice to enjoy your own company. Really. I’ve been stuck with a book this entire week. Movies can never allow you to smell, taste or really see everything you should in one specific moment. But somehow, a good book has that power to create that sort of magic. I can’t wait to return to Singapore and stock up on books. I’ve got a whole list written down already.

Tomorrow we’d be having an English camp at school! It’s nice to see all my little friends again. This new semester, I’ve got 2 P6, 2 P5 classes plus 1 P4 class. I could already pick out the rascals on the first day but it’s those kids that make life more interesting! Okay, this is random but I just fried up a housefly with a tennis look-a-like swapper. I feel bad. But I can’t help it! It kept flying into my face.

Lulu’s birthday is this Saturday! I need some brilliant ideas. Anyone?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yahoo! We did it! Great job, super duper dead tiring!What can I say? haha!