
Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Extreme weather

Gee, it's so hot and humid! I feel like I'm in an oven. It has been like this for the past 3 days. It's supposed to be the rainy season. Riding the bike in this heat is like a blow dryer, just shooting hot air on you. The fans at home isn't enough to assuage the extreme heat that we are experiencing. Is this one of the manifestations of global warming? oh air-conditioners! Where are you? The only place that I can hide in is TESCO, but everyone has the same idea! And there's no tables for me to study there. Boo, there's no escaping.

Wish there was a river near my place where I can dip my feet in. After my run today, I'm deserving a strawberry-lemonade smoothie! In fact, I'm gonna make more to chill it.

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