
Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Prematuredly 20

28th March marks my thai birthday.

It was the last night with the Naz youth and they surprised me. C'mon how could I ever guess that they were putting together a birthday party for me when my real day is in 3 months time! I had no clue...

We were at my new place that night for a time of sharing and prayer and somehow after it, I was made to lock up the place and walk home while the others loaded up on our truck. When I reached home, there was some commotion going on inside. They said that there was a bee so the lights were off in order to get rid of it. What an excuse! but I seriously bought it knowing them, being afraid of any kind of insects. Finally, the door opened and they sang "Happy Birthday". There was a lovely cake on the table. I was confused! Like what was going on? I thought I must have forgotten that it was someone's birthday today! I looked around the room but they seemed to all be looking my way. That 1 sec felt odd.

When they explained that they won't be able to celebrate my birthday on the actual day and hope that this would be a good enough replacement, I had to fight back my tears. You guys are the sweetest. How can I ever thank God for giving me such darling friends. ah so heart-warming.

Oh yes! and those gifts. I love it! It's just so me.

Thank you :)

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