
Saturday, February 14, 2009

You deserve His best

top: Daddy's girl
center: Fancy breakfast
bottom: Love jelly

I want to share with you this Valentine's Day, that there is no guy on planet earth who could come close to loving you like Jesus does. Nope, it's the truth. Jesus loves you no matter what: good hair day or bad hair day, good mood or bad, and everything in between. He is the author of love.

Girls, please don't give your heart to some temporary fling! I know you might be feeling lonely, but think about it... this is the ONLY time you can guiltlessly enjoy your singleness and the freedom it brings!

I'm going to turn 21. The world tells me that time is ticking away. But because I'm the apple of God's eye, I do not need to seek this nagging worry. I know He wants me to wait for that love that will last a lifetime. The most content women are not those who have everything the world can offer, but who have everything Christ can offer.


Anonymous said...

good reminder of what i used to make.

Anonymous said...

The heart shaped cut fruit is it dragon fruit or strawberry?I will make with dragon fruit tomorrow 4 my leadership meeting at my place. Hope it turns out fine, else I disappoint everyone including myself...stress lah,making something to treat all my veteran grand mamas.But still, try I must. Pray 4 me k?Look East