It was a heavy downpour, I had to get to MGS by 6pm so I hailed a cab from school. "Hello uncle! How has your day been?" surprised by my greeting, he replied a simple "Hi! It's ok." I hurriedly took out my notes to look through what I was going to share on and there this thought hit me. You are going to speak on evangelism, of how one should take every opportunity God gives to share His good news, why aren't you doing it now?
I was stuck in a horrible Bukit Timah jam but I knew that it was perfectly planned. After a bit of general talk, I decided to ask. "Uncle, what do you think about religion?" He laughed. "You are a Chrisitan right?"
He told me he was sure he will go to Heaven because he hasn't been too bad of a person. We had a very interesting conversation. From evolution to salvation being too simple to get.
"Uncle, you know you'll have everything to gain if God is true and if He is not, you'll have nothing to lose. Here is something I want you to have, please take some time to read it. I think this is something all of us really need." I paid my $10.50 cab fare which was worth every cent and as I opened the taxi door, he said "Thanks for the brochure, I will read it!" This totally made my day.
The workshop went well! Thanks to all who were keeping me in prayers. I spoke on these 5c's. Took a little more than 2 hrs in fact. God was just so faithful each step of the way!
1) Command of God
2) Compassion for the lost
3) Change in attitude
2) Compassion for the lost
3) Change in attitude
4) Communicate truth clearly
5) Commitment