
Friday, November 20, 2009


It was a heavy downpour, I had to get to MGS by 6pm so I hailed a cab from school. "Hello uncle! How has your day been?" surprised by my greeting, he replied a simple "Hi! It's ok." I hurriedly took out my notes to look through what I was going to share on and there this thought hit me. You are going to speak on evangelism, of how one should take every opportunity God gives to share His good news, why aren't you doing it now?

I was stuck in a horrible Bukit Timah jam but I knew that it was perfectly planned. After a bit of general talk, I decided to ask. "Uncle, what do you think about religion?" He laughed. "You are a Chrisitan right?"

He told me he was sure he will go to Heaven because he hasn't been too bad of a person. We had a very interesting conversation. From evolution to salvation being too simple to get.

"Uncle, you know you'll have everything to gain if God is true and if He is not, you'll have nothing to lose. Here is something I want you to have, please take some time to read it. I think this is something all of us really need." I paid my $10.50 cab fare which was worth every cent and as I opened the taxi door, he said "Thanks for the brochure, I will read it!" This totally made my day.

The workshop went well! Thanks to all who were keeping me in prayers. I spoke on these 5c's. Took a little more than 2 hrs in fact. God was just so faithful each step of the way!

1) Command of God
2) Compassion for the lost
3) Change in attitude
4) Communicate truth clearly
5) Commitment

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Today, I share with you my spot

This sem, I resolved anew to seize more opportunities to have solitude with God. On my way to school each morning, I take a stop at this spot (park of KK hospital). I am constantly amazed at the beauty God has created around me. Please keep me in your prayers tonight, doing a 2hr workshop on evangelism for MGS GB girls. Never talk so much before! ahh.

"This is what the Lord says: Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches, but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who excercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight declares the Lord." Jeremiah 9:23-24

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

11 yrs & counting!

Happy 21st Jesline!
I love this girl. If you know her, you'll know why.

Sunday, November 01, 2009


When I first heard about my School's Holy Land Study Trip, I thought to myself if only... if only... if only. A couple of weeks later, this thought of wanting to go would not leave my mind. I pictured myself cupping my hands to drink water at the same spring where Gideon's band of 300 select men did the same.

I know that the experience there will cause me to never read scriptures the same way again. I could also earn 4 credits as we will be doing in-depth study of God's Word with the land of the Bible as backdrop and visual aid. What a package right! I began to think what harm would it be if it became a "wishful prayer"

To cut the long story short, after months this whole thing turned into an earnest prayer. I did not want to miss this once in a lifetime experience. Early bird registration was drawing near and the limited space was filling up quickly! I was anxious. "Father, you know I don't have the money, please provide if it is your will for me to go."

The trip cost $4299. Upon registration, I had to put down half of that amount for deposit. I had not shared this with anyone other than family so when I opened the above email and read it, I got the chills and tears in my eyes and a great big smile, followed by a crazy laugh all at the same time because I knew this was 101% God's hand in it! I received a love gift of $2299! Not more not less! His goodness to me in saving me and pouring blessings on me is far more than I deserve.

This really stired the depths of my heart. There's another 2k to be raised but I am reminded that God is the one who can do "far more abundantly than all we can ask or think." All glory and praise be to God!