
Sunday, August 30, 2009

So relax, Lydia!

I am shocked to find out that August is ending! Unbelievable. Life is moving faster than I am able to keep up with and I don't think it will be slowing down anytime soon. I am trying to hold onto a few spare moments for blogging. I look back and see that I have come a long way... yet I still have so far more to go.

The past 3 days, I attended IDMC conference. At first, I was a little bum that my weekend would be spent like that. I was so wrong! It was the best way to spend it because I truely met with God. He did some powerful workings in my soul that I needed. Though I was exhuasted by the time I came home each night, I was inwardly renewed.

There's no doubt that my faith has been challenged greatly these days. All the assignment deadlines are stretching my capacity but I know that...God is good, God is in control and God will bring it to pass. So relax, Lydia!

I want to read a good book for leisure. I want to go shopping. I want to sleep in. I want to go for a photo outing. I want to chill out with friends. I want to stop worrying about the work to be done. Hehh. However, God has given me this special time and chance, I better not complain! “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit”, says the Lord (Zech. 4:6) Let me not measure myself with the grades I will get, but by my faithfulness to God's word.

In other news, I am working on a 45min presentation this thursday. I would be so grateful if you won't mind praying for me!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Student life

I know its been forever. Oh how I miss writing here! This is my 8th week into school, I've 3 weeks more to my final exams! So much to do, so little time. Yes, It's been tough. Tougher than I ever thought it could be but God's been so good to me. Only by His grace, strength and love that I can go on. Thankful for friends He has brought into my life too!

Tomorrow I will...
wake up early
take some photos for my project work
consult a lecturer about my research paper
catch up on all my reading assignments
and end my day with bringing a Thai friend out for dinner

Alright, I'm going off! Library is closing.
I promise to be back soon!