
Friday, August 03, 2007

Fearlessly Feminine

I have been made to think about a lot of things lately. God has been showing me and teaching me. It seems to me that I am now living in a world where the bizarre is applauded and the beautiful is ridiculed. I’ve seen the rapid demise of femininity.

You know being feminine doesn’t mean wearing old long dresses. Many ask themselves if femininity – and it’s enjoyment – really is passé. I’ve heard many describe modesty as ‘boring’ or ‘unattractive’. Seriously, what is it that have made people think this way? I believe one can be modest and actually fashionable too. For a long time women search for liberation, yet today we are more in bondage than ever. Slaves to the endless pursuit of physical perfection. Always striving to stay in style with the latest rave. Tiring isn’t it?

Modesty to me is a responsibility to behave and dress in a manner as to not draw attention to myself, not think proudly of myself and a decision to protect from unintended enticement. There however is a line in almost everything, where modesty can become absurdity too! The point isn’t to cover up every single bit of flesh. It doesn’t mean the longer your skirt is the holier you are. Even clothing too loose will work against a good testimony.

“I’ve called you to be royalty, My princess. You don’t have to conform to the wardrobe of this world to feel good about yourself. Remember, what you wear initially defines what people think about you. I want your wardrobe to honor Me. You don’t need to dress to get attention - I can make you more beautiful than any fashion designer because I specialize in internal and eternal makeovers. Your favor and beauty radiate because you are a reflection of Me. Keep in mind that those who design clothes to expose your body do not love your soul like I do. My love, let your wardrobe reveal my Spirit - not your flesh. So robe yourself today like the royalty you are.”

Love,Your King and your eternal beauty
(Taken from His Princess by Sherri Rose Shepherd, former Mrs. USA)

I’ve chat many a times with my girl friends about how ungentlemanly guys are nowadays but I never once really thought if I had actually rob men of the opportunity to exercise the protective, gentlemanly considerations native to their masculinity. How easily I’ve turned down their ways of serving without even thinking!

Well yes, outward femininity is extremely important. Yet, the topic of femininity definitely gets a little deeper and more complex when talking about having a spirit of femininity on the inside. Yet this is what my Heavenly Father talks about and what is “in His sight of great price”.

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